Popular actor accused of refusing to ignore social responsibility to change bad habits
MUMBAI: Bollywood actors handalan, Shah Rukh Khan may be able to insist with the request of Health Minister of India, Anbumani Ramadoss requesting him not smoking in the film but the majority of Times Online readers write submit recommendations with Ramadoss.
Statement by a reader, Vishal Agrawal from United States, who began smoking as influenced by character actor in the film Ram Jaane, confirming fears that ministers such as actor Shah Rukh and Amitabh Bachchan can be a bad influence if smoking in silver screen.
Suresh Vijayan from Nanjing, China writes: "I am a smoker as well as the most active and my friend. If some film stars smoking in films is not, I will not be influenced to start the habit at the age of 14 years."
last Monday, Shah Ramadoss Rukh ignore requests to stop smoking in the silver screen with the ministers said that 'like bringing up trivial matters.
"Ramadoss said, 52 percent of teenagers start smoking after they saw the actor absolutely nothing to do so in the film.
view expressly agreed by the minister Sudesh Kumar Sharma from KAPURTHALA, Punjab, said the film influenced the minds of children and youth.
Another actor that fans from the United Kingdom, V Kothari said that young people fail to understand the damage caused by the practice of smoking.
"Shah Rukh can smoke cigarettes 1.000 per day if he wanted outside film, but as public figures known, he has a responsibility to fans, "said Kothari.
Readers called Sathi G issued a scathing statement menyelar star Chak De India
is." actions to defend Shah Rukh smoking scenes as creative rights is a crime. - Agency
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